One word, one single uttering, can say a thousand things.
I've had a really bad day. It started around midnight when the computer refused o go online. My service provider claim no responsibility for this. "It must be your PC," they say. "The line is fine, there's nothing we can do about it!".
Yea, right. It happens about once a week. I know for a fact that there is nothing wrong with my PC. Strange that I need do nothing, and the connection works again after a few hours...
Then I lost my car keys. Right when I needed them the most. They were in my bag the last time I checked. I turned the house upside down, literally. It had taken me all day to tidy, and I spent hours messing it all up again trying to find them. My husband just made things worse. When he finally arrived home, he just sat in front of the computer, ranting at me that I shouldn't just leave them around; that it was going to cost me a fortune to repair; that he was going to have to run around for me all day tomorrow to get me a new set of keys since he had the use of his cars...
What you might want to understand here is that of all my worldly posessions, my car means the world to me, on a very close par with my PC. I can't live without it. It's my independence, my means of escape. I feel like a caged tiger when I can't get out and just drive.
No car, no PC. I felt lost.
"Can't you just stop having a go and give me a hug?" I asked.
"I'm busy. I need to find a girl for this job." He nudges me away, picks up his phone and starts dialing. When the call connects, he talks sweetly with her. Please and thankyou. See you later on.
A few minutes later, he's out the door, our baby daughter toddling after him and crying "Da-Da!" He only just remembers to give her a kiss goodbye. He doesn't remember me.
Half an hour later when I'm putting my son to bed, baby darts off to the bathroom to play with the toilet brush, her new favorite mischief. I hear the rattling of keys. Lo and behold, she'd hidden them in the brush holder, and stood in the bathroom grinning like a little imp! God only knows how she managed to put them there without me noticing. She's a little ninja in training.
And miraculously, the PC decided it would suddenly start working again! Finally it seemed that things were looking up! I took a photo of our daughter smiling and texted it to my hubby, in the hope that the good news would cheer him up.
No such luck.
"What the hell were they doing in there?" He yelled.
If I'd have known the answer to that, I would have found them hours before.
"You're b******s," he said. "Both of you."
I crumpled. I couldn't believe he actually said that to me. We never swear at each other. We don't even argue (since I'm wise enough to his temperament to know how to calm things down). And we definitely don't say that to each other. Especially not about our baby, our little princess. She may be mischivous, but never that. And neither am I.
Tomorrow, he may well try to say it was a joke, that he didn't mean it in a hurtful way. But I'm not laughing. I'm hurt. And most definitely upset.
Just one word, it can say a thousand things. It says his attitude stinks lately; it says that in that moment, me, our marriage and our baby didn't mean a damn to him. It says that this could well be the first step to him turning into a true pig-headed chauvanist, and I'm not about to take it anymore. He may be in a bad mood. He might be having a bad day. But that was too much to let pass.
Seems to me that there's more going on behind the scenes than he's telling me about. I can't help but wonder if he's up to his old tricks again.
I am the angry ninja, and I'm going to find out.