Thursday, April 20, 2006

A note on the Sorry story...

Writing the "Sorry" story brought back such memories, many of them wonderful, and some I would rather forget! I began writing it in order to inspire myself for forthcoming fictional projects, but it also helped serve the purpose of putting some ghosts to rest. I know there's no point in wondering what could have been. My memories serve to teach me about who I am today and which mistakes never to make again. These days, I am probably happier than I have ever been. At the very least, I can say I am more content. There are other such stories of lost love I want to tell, in part because they inspire me to write. I want to speak of them here so that they are not strictly secrets anymore. If I were to die tomorrow, these memories would be lost except for the words I write here...


Nobody said...

Thanks for sharing...

I am touched, cant help but think of Fanny again. I thought I have left the baggage some time back.

After reading your story, I know I have to carry it all my life.

Your Name said...

Hello again Gh0st!

In writing the Sorry Story, I found it quite cathartic; it helped me get over many of the things that have happened in my life. Do you feel the same when you write of your own experiences?

Don't feel that you have to carry baggage all your life: remember, that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger!