Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Mind Control (or, how to tell when someone is lying)

This evening, I watched a fantastic TV show by Derren Brown, called The Heist. For those of you who missed this wonderful insight into the use of mind control, here is a brief synopsis: Derren Brown uses a combination of skills from the areas of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Hypnosis, Cold Reading and he also uses a lot of Suggestion. In this program, he psycologically manipulated 3 out of 4 subjects to willingly commit "armed robbery", without ever making the direct suggestion to them. I consider Derren Brown's skills to be fantastic. Eager to learn some of the secrets of his trade, I eagerly looked at his website and found links to some of his fan sites which featured some great links regarding his psycology techniques, especially this one.

One of the things I learned from this site is how to tell how a person is thinking, or more specifically, how to tell when they are lying using "eye accessing clues".

Unfortunately, I am not the most trusting of women. Perhaps this is because I have lived the life I have, but nonetheless, I found this very useful.

Basically, when you are conversing with your subject, watch where they move their eyes when asked specific questions, and compare the movement to this chart:

Of course, this is just a guideline since every person reacts differently in a given situation. Also, these eye movements cannot tell you exactly what a person is thinking, just how they are thinking. This link gives a more detailed analysis of the technique.

Simple, but useful.